This is where I share my thoughts and insights about ex-christian life and atheism. This is my outlet for ideas that are, well, controversial around most of the people I know. I also throw in discussion of whatever else is going on in my life, if I feel like writing about it.
This is a great read. Long, but very interesting. Jesus is portrayed as giving the answers that Christians often do give to these sorts of questions. So it's really a sort of philosophy vs. Christianity discussion. Like I said, very interesting.
The rally was great! I'm glad I decided to go. Someone who was there recorded and posted this video on YouTube, and it give a pretty good picture of what went on. Enjoy:
I'm going to the Rally for Reason tomorrow! I've just finished my signs-not bad for a beginner, IMHO :)
I made an announcement at my church and I'll see who comes. I got a lot of support from folks even though most of them had prior commitments to other sorts of activism or family activities (since tomorrow is Memorial Day).
First time I heard this guy I was listening to Freethought Radio and the song was called "Fuck the Creationists". The profanity in the song just made it funnier. This is not actually Steven Hawking (LOL) but last I heard he took it as it was intended, as a joke. I think it's a rather funny one, too.
Interesting, a old-earth Christian rebuttal to the young-earth Answers in Genesis people. I don't agree with them all the way (needless to say) but it's still a nice breath of fresh air to find some Christians who are not totally cut off from scientific fact.
I'm pretty familiar with this claim by creationists that Darwin admitted that the eye could not have evolved. I used to believe them, but I grew up and wizened up and read The Origin of Species for myself. Darwin was only preempting this objection to his theory, but of course the creationists don't mention that he addresses the issue. I'm still shocked at the shamelessness and total dishonesty of creationists who tell impressionable kids (like I was) stuff like this.
It is because of things like this that I'm planning to go to the Rally for Reason and protest that monstrosity of a "Creation Museum."
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