Monday, September 10, 2007

Nothing perminant but change...

I've liked to reflect on the fact that none of us has even one more breath guaranteed to us. In fact, there is absolutely no way of knowing how your life might change even one one second in the future either for better or worse. And the events of the past couple of weeks have really reminded me of this...

For one thing, I found something special with a guy that I've known now for about a year and a half. I remember when I first saw him, and I'd never had guessed this would happen. But the longer I've know him, the more I've been interested, and then I found out suddenly about two weeks ago that he felt the same about me. Wow...

Then about a week after that I was called into my manager's office because she apparently needed to talk to me about something. Come to find out, upper management has dictated the need to cut a few positions...and next thing I know I'm handing in my badge and I'm on the way out.

In the course of all this I've found a good friend who has made this a lot easier to take, and I've found help and guidance that I'd not looked for, in places that I'd not expected. After I'd arrived home on the day I'd found myself in sudden involuntary unemployment, I took a walk around Lake Nevin in Bernhiem Forest and even found a unexpected treat-- something I'd never expected to see--a passionflower in full bloom. Most likely I'd never have seen it if I hadn't gone to Bernhiem to decompress--next time I went to go see it all the flowers were closed. In an odd way it was like I was getting a message from the universe not to give up hope, because you never know what is right around the corner.

Isn't life strange?


Brandon said...

At least you weren't let go based on some ridiculous claim that was completely false.

Mikayla Starstuff said...

True, that.